
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

China Threatens WW III

We can file this under “wars and rumors of war”.  Japan has done horrendous things to the Chinese over the past centuries and the Chinese haven’t forgotten. Also they want Taiwan and if China sent invasion force tomorrow would the world go to war against China to stop them?


A video has appeared online that reportedly is circulating among Chinese Communist Party channels in which the repressive regime on the mainland there threatens to unleash a "continuous" nuclear war on the world.

"When we liberate Taiwan, if Japan dares to intervene by force, even if it only deploys one soldier, one plane and one ship, we will not only return reciprocal fire but also start a full-scale war against Japan," the statement threatens.

"We will use nuclear bombs continuously until Japan declares unconditional surrender for the second time. What we want to target is Japan's ability to endure a war. As long as Japan realizes that it cannot afford to pay the price of war, it will not dare to rashly send troops to the Taiwan Strait.

"In 1964, when our first atomic bomb was successfully detonated, we promised the world that we would not use atomic bombs against non-nuclear countries and that we would not be the first to use them. Nearly 60 years have passed. Although the strength of our nuclear deterrent has been somewhat affected this decision has been a success, and has safeguarded our peace when we built our country."

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