
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Lebanon Fires Missiles Into Israel

 Lebanon is collapsing.  The value of their currency has plummeted so folks are losing all their savings. Hezbollah are some freakish Muslim terrorists who have a whole lot of power in Lebanon.  Just yesterday they decided it might be a good idea to lob some missiles into Northern Israel maybe in an attempt to get the Lebanese people focused on hating Israel instead of hating their Hezbollah leaders.

The Israel Defense Forces shelled targets in Lebanon on Tuesday morning after two rockets were launched from Lebanon at northern Israel on Monday night.

Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system downed one of the rockets, while the second fell in an open area, according to the military. No injuries or damage were reported, and the IDF Home Front Command issued no special guidelines for residents of the north.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned on Tuesday that Israel would not tolerate the current Lebanese crisis spilling over into Israel, and reiterated that Israel holds Lebanon responsible for attacks emanating from its territory.

“We will not allow the social, political and economic crisis in Lebanon to turn into a security threat to Israel. I call on the international community to take action to restore stability in Lebanon,” said Gantz.

“The state of Lebanon is responsible for the rockets fired overnight, as it allows terrorists to operate within its territory. Israel will act against any threat to its sovereignty and its citizens, and will respond in accordance to its interests—at the relevant time and place,” he added.

Lebanon is in the midst of a severe economic crisis, with shortages of fuel, medicine and basic goods. The Lebanese currency is foundering and banks have moved to restrict withdrawals and transfers.

Gantz offered Lebanon assistance in a July 4 speech, saying Israel was “ready to act, and to encourage other countries to extend a helping hand to Lebanon so that it will once again flourish and emerge from its state of crisis.”

“As an Israeli, as a Jew and as a human being, my heart aches seeing the images of people going hungry on the streets of Lebanon,” said Gantz.

The crisis, which began in late 2019, is blamed by many in Lebanon on corruption and mismanagement by the political class.

Here;  Lebanon fires rockets into Israel, IDF responds with artillery fire (

Lebanon used to be called "The Paris of the Middle East".  It was a destination vacation site for much of Europe.  Gorgeous beaches, beautiful hotels and night clubs.  Then Islam showed up and Civil War was the result.  Today Lebanon would not be a place that anyone would try to immigrate into.  It's a mess.  Just one other nation that the Curse of Muhammad's Islam has infected.

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