
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Unprecedented Record Floods All Over the World

 Maybe you have seen the video out of Germany and Belgium?  Towns just destroyed when a river that's usually 3 feet deep rose to 24 feet.  How about the record flooding in China that has burst at least two dams that we know of?  How about Poland, France, and Luxembourg?  It's the most rain EVER!!  The worst flooding EVER!!

One Rabbi thinks he knows why all this flooding is happening.  They are expecting the messiah to come.

In the last week, heavy rains and flooding have hit separate sections of the globe with disastrous effects.

While some Biblically unsophisticated onlookers associated the flooding with the deluge in the age of Noah, two noted Israeli mystics noted that the floods were, on fact, carrying out a pre-Messiah function that, while it will be massively destructive, will not threaten the entire world.

“That is why all these floods came as they did, from rivers and not from oceans, all in the space of two weeks. It is happening now because we are nearly at the end and the people who hate Israel and the God of Israel will not be allowed to benefit from the wondrous times that are about to happen.”

“The waters are doing God’s will in their own way,” Rabbi ben Artzi wrote. “They want Messiah. They are yearning to do their part in bringing the Nation of Israel to redemption, just as the Red Sea did in the Exodus. Those who help Israel are doing the same. Those who do not will be swept away in the waters just like the army of Pharoah.”

Here;  Unprecedented floods worldwide: 'Washing away the enemies of Israel before Messiah' (

The article has a handful of videos from the flooded areas that are pretty amazing to watch.  One is of a dam breaking in China.

Please note that the Jews are talking A LOT about their messiah coming.  We have said this more than once but will say it again;  the fact that the Jews are looking for their messiah, who will end up becoming the Antichrist, should be one more reason for followers of Christ to be expecting Jesus Christ to blow the trumpet and call us home sometime soon.

Jesus told the Jews that they won't accept him as their messiah when he comes in his own name but they WILL accept a false messiah who comes in another name.

Zechariah prophesied that 2/3 of the Jews are going to die when the Antichrist turns on them after 3 1/2 years (halfway) through the 7 year peace agreement that Antichrist confirmed.

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