
Thursday, July 22, 2021

VP Kamala Uses Bible and "Love Thy Neighbor" as Reason to Get Vaccine

 As the article points out, it is pretty funny when non-Bible-believers who support the murder of babies at will, then turn around and use the Bible to support getting vaccinated.

You do have to scroll down in the article and watch the schmalzy video of Kamala saying such.

I will remind you that it's the Left who claims to be the party of science and yet they deny that a baby in it's mother's stomach is actually a baby.  They also deny that babies are born either MALE or FEMALE, claiming instead that any person can claim any identity that they want by simply speaking it. "I declare that today I am a black, female, 12 yr old girl.  Since I'm gender-fluid I may declare something different tomorrow."   Yes!  Very sound science indeed!  Follow the science for sure!!

It’s always laughable when Democrats start thumping their (probably borrowed) Bibles to preach to Christians, but it’s downright absurd coming from the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The abortion-supporting politician has been attempting to evangelize the reluctant faithful into taking the hastily developed, novel COVID-19 vaccine by telling them it’s a way to follow the biblical edict to “love thy neighbor.”

She has trotted out this message on several occasions, including last month in Greenville, South Carolina, as the Biden administration was feverishly working toward its goal of having 70 percent of Americans vaccinated by July 4, the Post and Courier reported.

“You know, a couple weeks ago, I was down in Atlanta at Ebenezer Baptist Church. And it was good to be back there,” she told the crowd on July 12.

“And the church — of course, you all know this is the church where Dr. King preached until the day he died,” Harris went on.

“And today, it is a place of worship. But as most places of worship, also a place of healing; it is a vaccination site,” she said, subtly elevating the vaccine to something akin to a sacrament. “Then and now, a place of healing.

“And when I was there, I talked with a bunch of folks and, in particular, I met with a bunch of folks who had just been vaccinated and the health care workers who administered the vaccines. And I said then what I will repeat today: I do believe that the act of getting vaccinated is the very essence — the very essence — of what the Bible tells us when it says, ‘love thy neighbor.’ Right?” she asked the approving crowd.

Her handlers apparently think this is such a home run point for her that it’s been produced into a clip tweeted on her official account, complete with schmaltzy piano music for full emotional effect.

Here;  Woman Who Supports Baby Murder Says Get the Vaccine Because Bible Says To (

I will remind you that Joe Biden is not well.  Almost daily he mumbles something incoherent from his presidential podium.  Most of us know that Joe IS NOT running the country but that his handlers are.  We may be days, weeks or months away from Crazy-Kamala actually taking the reigns of the most powerful office in the world.

Pray for America.  She is on a very slippery path.

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