
Monday, August 23, 2021

5 Minute Video Exposes Truth About Slavery

 How many of us are sick, sick, sick of Black Lives Matter and hearing stories of canceling famous white men because they owned slaves 300 years ago?  Here in MN we had to rename a lake in Mpls because "Lake Calhoun" was found offensive.  It's now called Lake Bde-Maka-Ska.  What did Mr Calhoun do 200 years ago?  Something to do with slaves no doubt.

Please, please, please watch this 5 minute video by Candace Owens (a black woman) and forward it on to your liberal, "America sucks!", family, friends and co-workers.  If we can cast a light on this huge lie maybe we can begin to stamp out Critical Race Theory from being taught in schools.  Maybe we can get millions of black Americans to quit playing the "Victim!" card and get on with their lives!  Maybe black Americans can be proud partners in this "American experiment" and quit looking for excuses as to why the most dangerous thing in America to a black man is...another black man.

Watch video here;  A Short History of Slavery | PragerU

Remember, the story of mankind started with sin in the garden.  All people are sinners regardless of color. But the truth is that white people in white countries did more to stop slavery than any other group.  As the video points out, there are an estimated 700,000 black slaves being held by black masters TODAY in Africa alone!  That's more slaves than ever existed in America!!

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