
Monday, August 23, 2021

The Giant “Living Statue” Coming to a City Near You

 I listened to Jan Markell Show from Saturday, August 21 titled Worshipping the Beast and His Image. The show talks about how technology is making it possible for “The Giant”’s creators to make a 100 foot tall moveable statue that can morph into the likeness of any person the programmers want it to be.

As you watch the video clip from Today Show in May, listen for things like “celebrate humanity” and “save the planet”.  These folks are not holding a Biblical worldview.  Furthermore, the Bible tells us that one day all people will be forced to bow to a big statue replica of the Antichrist.  And if the left-behind people refuse then they will be killed.  This statue could be a forerunner of what the Antichrist will use.

Check it out and keep looking up!

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