
Friday, September 17, 2021

America Will Collapse Under Our Drug Culture

 The liberals and godless think it's a great idea to legalize marijuana. They say it's what the people want and they tell us you might as well legalize it and tax it.  

The Bible says that drunkenness is NOT a good thing.  People who are drunk made bad choices and if they stay drunk it will ruin their lives...which is exactly what Satan wants.

When God said to love the Lord with all your strength and all your MIND, Satan heard that loud and clear.  And ever since he heard it, he has been running a campaign to get folks to use mind-inhibiting drugs because he knows HE can pry his way into your life when you mind is given over on weed, mushrooms, cocaine or psychedelics.

So now some of the money managers on Wall Street are betting on how they can benefit from all the psychedelic drugs that will, one day soon, be hitting the streets.  Yes it may start as PRESCRIPTION ONLY but soon they will say, "You legalized weed!  Why not shrooms, LSD and Ecstasy?"  And all the people will shrug their shoulders and say, "Why not?"

Please note the article below is from a Financial Consultant newsletter.

First cannabis, and now psychedelics.

As these once-verboten substances increasingly gain wider medical and mainstream consumer acceptance for the treatment of various physical or mental ills (and recreational use regarding cannabis), it’s no surprise that the exchange-traded fund industry has zeroed in on these trends as potentially profitable thematic investment opportunities.

The latest product to hit the shelf is the AdvisorShares Psychedelics ETF (PSIL), an actively managed fund set to debut tomorrow. The fund is overseen by Dan Ahrens, whose credits include his current duties as portfolio manager of two AdvisorShares cannabis ETFs. These compete with seven other cannabis exchange-traded products (including two exchange-traded notes).

The PSIL fund is the second U.S.-listed ETF—and the third one in North America—that targets the growing industry involving psychedelics as therapies for mental disorders. But it’s the first one in this category that’s actively managed.

PSIL invests in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and mental health companies with a strong focus on psychedelic medicines and treatments. That means they must get at least half of their net revenue or dedicate 50% of their assets to medicinal psychedelics.

Psychedelic therapies can include a host of substances. The best known are LSD, psilocybin (the secret sauce in hallucinogenic mushrooms) and MDMA, otherwise known as ecstasy. But there are other substances being tested for conditions ranging from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder to anxiety and addiction disorders.

And the field is increasingly expanding with prestigious medical institutions, including Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and Mount Sinai Health System in New York City, adding their imprimatur to this field through their research in medical psychedelics.

According to AdvisorShares, there are 43 human clinical trials involving psychedelic treatments, and 29 companies have psychedelic-based drugs either in the development process or in the preclinical phase.

Here;  Psychedelics Are Tripping Across The ETF Space ( 

Remember that drug usage, sometimes referred to in Revelation as MAGIC ARTS, are going to be in full use in the very last days before Christ's 2nd Advent.  The Greek word is phamakia in which we derive our word pharmacy.

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