
Friday, September 17, 2021

GOP is "COVID-Loving Death Cult"

 You can see how folks on the Left are following the tyrant's playbook of making anyone who thinks differently "sub-human".  If you can get people to believe that others who disagree are less than people, it will be easier to convince others to 'get rid of those sub-human vermin'.

Check out what Joy Reid had to say on MSNBC.

“[California] is perhaps the first real tangible proof that your…COVID-loving death cult ways are not going to work for you at the ballot box next year. In fact, it’s political suicide. And also apparently talk-radio suicide because your brilliant little COVID plan is killing right-wing hosts…”

In continuing this rant, Reid claimed that the GOP is “embracing” COVID to the point that the political party wants to “get it into every school building, cruise ship, job place, Walmart, Texaco, everywhere….”

Displaying a map of California recall voting trends and COVID hot spots, Reid — who Tucker Carlson has irreverently nicknamed the “race lady” — then claimed that “where people wanted to recall Newsom is where there’s the most COVID. So it’s like ‘give us more; inject it in us. Is there a way we can drink it in a Kool-Aid cup, because we want it, and we want it bad.'”

Here;  Finger-pointing Joy Reid ramps up rhetoric, calls GOP ‘Covid-loving death cult’ in off-the-charts rant (

She played a video of Larry Elder saying that he doesn't agree with the science of kids forced to wear masks, kids forced to get the experimental vaccine, because kids have almost zero% chance of dying from Covid.  And this set her off to start spewing all these things.

The chances of some type of Civil War continue to escalate.  Civil wars don't start overnight and they always start with strong words and accusations being hurled back and forth.

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