
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Biden's Next Blunder; Jerusalem

 Come on Joe!  Haven't you done enough already?  Can you just please not break anything else?  But of course his previous boss, Obama, warned us "Never underestimate Joe's ability to F..k things up!"  Of course Obama worked with Joe for 8 years and didn't give a dime to his campaign and supported Hillary over Joe.  He knew how incompetent Joe actually was.

And now Joe has his sights set on Jerusalem.  The apple of God's eye!  What could possibly go wrong?

You are probably wondering what comes next for the man who’s done everything wrong since he became president.

Wait no more. Biden has set his sights on Jerusalem so far as his next blunder following Afghanistan.

Biden is prepared to fix everything that ain’t broke.

Robert Gates, defense secretary under Obama, put it like this: “Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Say this about that, he is consistent, and to remain consistently wrong, Biden seems determined to reopen the US special consulate in Jerusalem.

(That is totally separate from the US Embassy in Jerusalem.)

Trump had the consulate shut down, largely because he was clear-eyed and knew that it was designated to do business with the PA—terrorists.

That has never been a bother to Biden and fellow Democrat lawmakers, who view the term terrorist differently from Monday to Thursday.

Accordingly, the Taliban are now people we trust, and the Palestinian Authority are Israel’s partners in peace…among other such fantasies.

Re-opening the consulate amounts to a reward for terrorism…terrorism aimed specifically against Jews through the Palestinian Authority’s Martyrs Fund.

“Pay to Slay,” in other words, or, “Kill Jews, Get Rich.” There is nothing like this anywhere else in the civilized world.

The Taylor Force Act was supposed to put an end to this barbarism. No such luck when Jewish blood is so appetizing to Mahmoud Abbas and his gangs.

You’d think an end to this practice would come first, that is, before any talk about a US consulate in Jerusalem, yet Biden, Blinken etc. are raring to go forward with this blight.


Perhaps they forget, or need to be reminded, that Israel is a sovereign nation, and Jerusalem is its capital…been so for 3,000 years.

The Palestinian Arabs have no legitimate claim.

The return of the US consulate, however, would let them pretend that they share the capital. Step one, in their minds, to taking it over completely.

The Palestinian Arabs, successfully pushed aside by Trump, don’t need much to place themselves back into the big picture. Nobody does it better.


It's quite possible that more calamities could hit America if Joe decides to go in and start negotiating with Jew-hating, Allah worshiping-Arabs who have zero rightful claim to Jerusalem.  And Joe, being the good Catholic that he claims to be, has NO CLUE that he will be poking a finger in God's eye.

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