
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

CNN Cherry-Picks Story Blaming Unvaxed for Mother’s Death

 Of course there is zero proof mentioned about “his feeling” that this mother got Covid from un-vaccinated people. And if the vaccine actually worked why did she die of Covid?  Nope!  This is just another article on front page CNN to terrify, vilify and divide America. Let’s remember the lesson; if you don’t get the jab, you don’t believe in science and you are an UN-kind person who doesn’t care at all about other people. “People like you should be locked up or done away with!”  That’s what brought the Germans to hate the Jews.


The day Candace and Terry Ayers received their second Covid-19vaccination in early March was a day of hope and excitement for the entire family. 

"I took my parents to get that second jab, and we were all so excited," said their son Marc. "We are a family that believes in science. We believe in masks, and we believe in vaccines. We were ready to get back to normal." 
But his mother, Candace Ayers, died nearly six months later following a July trip with her husband to Mississippi. Her death certificate says she died of Covid-19.
      Her obituary, in the local newspaper, the State Journal Register, in Springfield, Illinois, read in part:
      "Candace Cay (Kruger) Ayers, 66, of Springfield, passed away on September 3, 2021 at St. John's Hospital in Springfield, IL. She was preceded in death by more than 4,531,799 others infected with Covid- 19. She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. The cost was her life."
      Ayers believes his mother was infected when she visited Mississippi, a state where vaccination rates are among the lowest in the US. 
      "This all could have been avoided," Ayers said. "This could have been prevented by a few acts of kindness. They were in a state that had one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country. Getting a vaccine and wearing a mask for others... had this been done, she would be here today."
      How sad. They believe in the science of this vaccine and it totally failed.
      One other point of why so many don't trust MSM these days;  Headline could just as well have read "Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of COVD. Son Blames Faulty Science of Vaccine"

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