
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Biden Vows to Remove Governors Who Stand In His Way

 The headline goes on to say, "Civil War Now Likely". really does seem like America is coming apart at the seems.  Could it be because, "My people perish for lack of knowledge", as the Bible claims?  When the vast majority of Americans have no relationship with Jesus/God, when the 10 Commandments are viewed as 10 suggestions, when gay marriage is celebrated, when the President vows to take Governors who disagree with him out of the way, when the US Gov't is set to run out of money next month, when boys can claim to be girls and we all have to pretend it's all seems to adding up to a crisis for America.  Maybe like one we have never seen before.

Illegitimate President Joseph Biden went "all-in" on full scale Tyranny Thursday by announcing new vaccine demands, mask mandates, and threatening to "Use my power as President to Get (Governors who oppose him) out of the way."  The stage is now set for actual Civil War in the USA.

Governor Henry McMaster of South Carolina responded to Biden's threat with these exact words: 

“The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian."

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas responded:

"Biden’s vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses. I issued an Executive Order protecting Texans’ right to choose whether they get the COVID vaccine & added it to the special session agenda. Texas is already working to halt this power grab.”

Governor Parsons of Missouri responded:

"The Biden Administration’s recent announcement seeking to dictate personal freedom and private business decisions is an insult to our American principles of individual liberty and free enterprise. This heavy-handed action by the federal government is unwelcome in our state and has potentially dangerous consequences for working families.  Vaccination protects us from serious illness, but the decision to get vaccinated is a private health care decision that should remain as such. My administration will always fight back against federal power grabs and government overreach that threatens to limit our freedoms."

The utterly shocking remark by Biden caused many Americans to recoil in horror and ask themselves how he intended to do that, since it was States which created the federal Government, and not the other way around.

Folks, I think we have now arrived at the end game.  Push is finally coming to shove.

At this point, it seems easy for me to see Civil War stemming from this;  a huge line in the sand has now been crossed.  Even a state Governor is now openly saying ". . .  we will fight you to the gates of hell to protect . . .  rights . . ."   That, ladies and gentlemen, is war talk.   


No doubt it is a very interesting time to be alive.  We will say it again, it IS our blessed hope that Jesus will soon be coming for us because it would appear we are closing in on the time when "no flesh would survive" if He doesn't cut those days short.

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