
Monday, September 13, 2021

Mr. Biden, Please Cancel All Student Loans! We're Drowning in Debt!

It's sad when you realize how ignorant most Americans are.  Most can't name WHO America gained independence FROM.  Sadly, no matter how ignorant they are they still get to vote.  This is dangerous and some of our forefathers understood this danger and tried to put some checks in to slow it from happening. John Adams famously warned that when the voters realize they can vote themselves generous benefits from the public treasury, the Republic would be in great danger.

That's exactly where we are today!  The politicians will be elected and re-elected NOT for being honest and truthful BUT instead will be elected based on how many free items they can promise to the voters who elected them.

Check out this young woman who went to college and now owes a bunch of money.  She now thinks it would be a great idea for Pres. Biden to forgive all her debt.  Not just hers but basically everyone's. 

Please remember that NO ONE held a gun to this woman's head and said, "Pay $50,000 to go to college OR ELSE!!"  Nope!  She could have gone to trade school.  She could have gone to truck driving school.  She could have started her own internet business.  She could have gone to community college and got her basics for a lot less money.

I grew up in middle-class Lawrenceburg, Indiana. As soon as I turned 16, I knew that I was going to need to get a job. I had support from my parents, but the cost of college promised to fall on my shoulders. After high school, I enrolled at the University of Cincinnati to study criminal justice and psychology. As a full-time student, I still worked upwards of 40 hours a week—first in retail security, then at a correctional center. Although the latter paid well, I was required to work nights, limiting both my study time and my social life. But I needed money for rent, textbooks, and bills.

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, I lost my security job and took a job at a dog daycare which paid me only two-thirds of what I'd been making. I told myself that something was better than nothing. Now, as of April, I've graduated an entire year early. I knew that finishing my degree in three years would mean adding to my already full workload—all to save on tuition. And yet, despite graduating early, in April, I crossed the stage with a shadow of $40,000 in debt trailing after me. My savings account is higher than ever, but even so, I've barely made a dent in what I owe.

To most, it would seem like I've done everything right. I made sure to get and maintain a job throughout my entire adolescent-to-adult life. I've saved as much as I could. I am, and have been, working for the ability to learn. And yet, people like me are struggling to find a well-paying job. And we're just drowning in student debt while we look.

President Biden has taken action during the pandemic to pause federal student loan payments, moving to extend a moratorium until January 31, 2022. But he has rejected proposals from Senators to cancel up to $50,000 per person from our country's $1.6 trillion in student debt, ignoring stories like mine.

Yes Mr. Biden!  You are ignoring stories like this girl's!  She believes that hardship like hers has never been experienced anywhere!  You let her postpone her payments during COVID but you haven't just flat-out printed another $1.6 trillion to forgive everyone's debts!

Please notice the desperation in her voice, "I owe $40,000 and I've paid on it for a few months and barely made a dent in that $40,000!"  Ummmm....we wonder if she should have taken a basic math class in college so she understands principle, interest, compounding and amortization. 

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