
Monday, September 13, 2021

Ethics Professor Fired For Not Getting Covid Shot. That's Unethical!!

 She is hired to teach ethics at a college in Canada.  She teaches to her students that it's ethically wrong to coerce anyone into getting a medical treatment.  And now she is threatened with termination for refusing to be "vaccinated".

A Canadian ethics professor claims that a vaccine mandate constitutes an ethical violation, and she may lose her longtime job over it.

Julie Ponesse teaches (or perhaps taught) at Huron College at the University of Western Ontario where a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy for faculty, non-teaching staff, and students on campus is now in effect.

“Here’s my conundrum,” Prof. Ponesse said in her approximately five-minute ethics lesson uploaded to social media. “My school employs me to be an authority on the subject of ethics….and I’m here to tell you it’s ethically wrong to coerce someone to take a vaccine. If it happens to you, you don’t have to do it. If you don’t want a COVID vaccine, don’t take one…”

She went on to describe her own precarious situation at the London, Ont., institution.

“I am facing imminent dismissal after 20 years on the job because I will not submit to having an experimental vaccine injected into my body. I’ve had plenty of vaccines in my life, but I’ve never been forced to take one. It’s always been my choice….”

Insisting that she doesn’t work in a high-risk environment, Ponesse claims she has educated herself on the subject, while also underscoring that it is her job to similarly instruct students in the critical-thinking process.

“As a professor, I don’t have to watch the news to find out if the COVID vaccines are safe. I read medical journals, and I consult my colleagues who are professors of science and medicine. I’ve learned from doctors that there are serious questions how safe these vaccines really are…nobody is promising that I won’t get COVID or transmit COVID if I get the vaccine,” she asserted.

Ponesse then indicated that all of this is beside the point.

“But ultimately, none of that matters to me because I’m a professor of ethics, and I’m a Canadian. I’m entitled to make choices about what does or does not enter my body, regardless of my reasons. If I’m allowed back into my university, it’s my job to teach my students that this is wrong.

“I’m hired to teach them that it is ethically wrong to impose an experimental medical procedure as a condition of employment. This is my first, and potentially my last, lesson of the year,” the educator said, holding back tears.

Here; Ethics professor on paid leave after refusing to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Her powerful words. (

It starts with name calling. (Grandma killer!) It progresses to authoritarians using coercion and bullying. ($100 if you get your shot!  If you don't YOU CAN'T enter football stadiums or grocery stores)  It commences with isolation and maybe even relocation and termination. (Think yellow stars Jews wore and how that ended)

Now the good news is that 80,000,000 Americans have refused the shot.  It would be quite something if the other 200,000,000 could get together and agree on how to hold the 80,000,000 down to forcibly inject them.  I think it's possible the Civil War could start before that happens.

And most importantly, please remember that our blessed hope is that Jesus comes for us before any of that happens!

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