
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

God's Appointed Times

 Many of you know that Jesus fulfilled the first 4 Feasts of Israel when he came the first time.  He was the Passover Lamb and died on the cross at exactly the right time to fulfill His role as the perfect spotless lamb sent by God as the final sacrifice for all sins of those who accept Him.

Jesus will fulfill the Feast of Trumpets when He shows up with the sound of the trumpet during the rapture.  While no man knows the day or the hour of our Lord's return, that is the exact saying that the Jews used to blow the trumpet on the Jewish new year called Rosh Hashana which is happening soon during the month of September.

Under Jewish tradition, when two witnesses could make out the tiny sliver of the new moon, they would blow the Trumpet and announce the start of the New Year.  But no man knew the exact day or hour that would happen....but they knew ABOUT when it would happen.

So we should all have a heightened expectation during the month of September.

In recent years, an increasing number of Christians have started to celebrate these appointed times.  Every single one of them throughout the year tells part of the story of Jesus, and when you understand how God orchestrated very elaborate prophetic patterns centuries in advance it will greatly strengthen your faith.

As we move into the upcoming appointed times and the remainder of 2021, there are certain things that I will be watching very carefully.

Once again, I will have my eyes on Israel.  It has been described as God's timepiece, and it will be the center of so much that happens during these last days.

In the months ahead, I will also be watching for war.  I think that Israel and Iran are so close to military conflict, and there are other hotspots around the globe that could suddenly erupt as well.

We are moving into very chaotic times, and most people will be absolutely blindsided by the events that are coming.

But the Bible warned us about all of these things in advance so that we could have hope.  In the end, Jesus will return to this planet and set everything right, and that is definitely a future that we can look forward to with great joy.


All eyes on currently on Israel.  Biden met with the Israeli leader right about the time hurricane Ida came rolling in.  America has been hit with many natural disasters over the past 70 years shortly after our leaders were making plans regarding Israel. They can't all be labeled as "coincidences".

With this new Covid passport and the push for everyone on planet earth to get jabbed, we pretty much know the direction this earth is going, so it shouldn't surprise us if Jesus were show up in the clouds and summon all followers, past and present, to join Him in the clouds.

Encourage each other with these words. 

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