
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Taiwan Scrambles Jets Against China

Let’s remember that USA has promised to come to Taiwan’s aid if China were ever to attack. We have just made a miserable pull out of Afghanistan and the world is viewing us as week.  China is adamant about taking back Taiwan as part of its own territory. China may soon make a bet that USA will not honor its promise to defend Taiwan. The world will become even more dangerous if USA becomes weak or our enemies view our President as weak and inept...which he is.


 Taiwan's air force has once again scrambled fighter jets to repel a largescale Chinese military aircraft incursion of the island's defense zone.

Though this has become a near weekly occurrence at this point, Sunday's Chinese incursion was notably large, with 19 aircraft including nuclear capable bombers entering Taiwan's air defense identification zone. 

"The latest Chinese mission involved 10 J-16 and four Su-30 fighters, as well as four H-6 bombers, which can carry nuclear weapons, and an anti-submarine aircraft, Taiwan's Defence Ministry said," according to NBC.

The report continues of Taiwan's response: "Taiwanese combat aircraft were dispatched to warn away the Chinese aircraft, while missile systems were deployed to monitor them, the ministry said."

The breach reportedly happened near the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Island, which is the northernmost islet of the South China Sea.

While 19 Chinese aircraft is among the larger incursions, it comes just short of the 20 that breached the island's defense zone last March.

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