
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

HHS Whistleblower Saying Big Problems With Vaccine

 We have suspected and heard that many, many doctors ARE NOT reporting adverse reactions that happen when people get their COVID shot.  It takes too long and Doctors and nurses are not going to take the time to fill it out.  They also are concerned that they will get in trouble from co-workers and their employers if they start pointing out negative events around this experimental shot.

"This is evil at it's highest level!", says the nurse/whistleblower.

It's interesting that this nurse says that her faith is in God and not in men.  She also uses the word "evil" which for most believers denotes a spiritual battle.

You can watch this 13 minute Project Veritas video here.  Evidently Facebook is not allowing this video to be shared on their platform.

Crazy what is happening to free speech in this country.  We all need to stand up before it's too late and free speech is gone.

Watch it here;

Hat tip to Christine P.

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