
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Supreme Court Sets Date to Hear Abortion Arguments

 As ultra-sounds become 3-D and incubators and technology start saving ever younger babies, it’s becoming harder for the pro-abortion crowd to deny that women are carrying unique human beings in their wombs. They aren’t blobs of cells, as once thought, but have their own hearts, fingers and brains at a very young age. Science is getting harder for the Left to ignore.

Think about this;  today a woman who is 20 weeks pregnant decides she wants the baby dead for whatever reason she decides. So she walks into Planned Parenthood and they kill the baby, she pays them and goes home. But let’s say that same woman carrying the exact same baby goes into early labor and they rush her to hospital and deliver that same baby into an incubator where doctors do everything in their power to keep the baby alive. Later that day the woman decides she doesn’t want to be a mother, she can’t afford all this hospital stuff and she just wants to go home. So she goes to her baby in the incubator and plunges a scissors into its head and flushes it down the toilet.  Now this woman would be charged with murder.  Figure that one out. Same woman-same baby.  

We pray to the God of Creation, that this blight of millions of babies killed in America, sacrificed to the god of Convenience, the god of Mammon and the god of Death, will one day end.


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will hear arguments in a critical abortion case on Dec. 1.

In the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a challenge to Mississippi’s law restricting most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, the court will decide the question of whether all state abortion bans pre-viability are unconstitutional. “Viability” is the court’s legal standard from 1973, regarded as the point at which an unborn child can survive outside the womb.

The court on Monday announced the date of oral arguments in the Dobbs case, scheduled for Dec. 1. Both the state of Mississippi and the abortion clinic challenging the law will have an opportunity to present arguments in-person to justices both for and against the law.

The Dobbs case is considered to be the latest and perhaps the best opportunity for pro-life advocates to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. States, the court ruled in Roe, could not ban abortions pre-viability.

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