
Monday, October 4, 2021

Crypto Currencies Needed for New World Order

 This article does not come from a Christian site but instead comes from a Conservative site.  Those of us with "eyes to see" can understand the prophetic consequences of having the existing financial world order replaced with some type of new crypto currency.  Eventually this new currency will be overseen by the Antichrist's government. Eventually, every human on earth, free or slave, will need a mark on his right hand or forehead, in order to access this system and to buy or sell anything.

Large sections of the global financial world, regulators in particular, see cryptocurrencies as a threat to the established financial order or, if they are in a good mood, the favorite tool of criminals, drug lords, and terrorists.

But alternative currencies may also be a powerful tool for ending financial colonialism that still exists in parts of the world – by design.

When France ratified the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1945, it gained control over the currencies of 14 African nations, including Senegal. On the morning of January 11, 1994, the CFA franc was pegged to the French franc at a valuation of 1 to 50. The following day, it was cut to 1 to 100, after the French government gave in to pressure from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to devalue the currency..[this] led to widespread political unrest, as West Africa’s subsistence farmers could no longer afford to import essential goods, including drugs to treat malaria. “The cruel irony was that the economic fate of millions of Senegalese was completely out of their own hands. No amount of protest could overthrow their economic masters,” notes the Human Rights Foundation’s Alex Gladstein in a recent article in Bitcoin Magazine.

France has no intention of giving up its position of power over its former colonies – aided and abetted by the IMF and World Bank. But Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could succeed in dethroning them all, in west Africa, and much closer to home:

A few weeks ago, the actor Hill Harper was quoted in The New York Times regarding his activism for Bitcoin in the African American community. He said, quite simply, “They can’t colonize Bitcoin.”

Farida Nabourema agrees. “Bitcoin,” she said, is “the first time ever that there is money that is actually decentralized and accessible to anyone in the world regardless of their skin color, ideology, nationality, amount of wealth or colonial past.”

She said it is the people’s currency, and even goes a step further.

“Maybe,” she said, “we should call Bitcoin the currency of decolonization.”

If so, then it’s been a long time coming, and also gives crypto proponents a powerful new argument against the post-World War II economic order.

Here;  Cryptocurrencies and ending economic colonialism - ForLiberty.News

So you see, cash is only used in large amounts by drug dealers, terrorists and the sex-trade.  And furthermore it spreads diseases like Covid.  And if that's not enough it's the "currency of decolonization".  And we all know that all these things are bad!  Really bad!!

So, please, let's toss out the cash!  Let's get rid of the current system that has been so unfair in granting privaledge to America and it's Reserve Currency status since 1945 enabling it to issue $31 trillion in debt paid by it's own printing press. And let's help get rid of colonization which WE KNOW IS RACIST!!

Can you smell the Antichrist just waiting in the wings??  

Even better, can we anticipate Jesus Christ coming before the Antichrist is even revealed to the world??

Maranatha!  Come Lord Jesus!

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