
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Social Security Insolvency Coming Fast

 What do you suppose happens to a nation where people refuse to go to work?  Well, the don't pay any taxes, they don't pay into Social Security and they actually expect the government (Democrats) to give them free rent, free medical insurance, free college and soon, free national income.  Yes, that's coming and already being floated as part of the New World Order.  Everyone alive should get paid a basic income just for being alive.

Can people get anymore stupid?  Sadly the answer to that is probably, 'yes'.

So today we read from a financial site that Social Security just had a RECORD shortfall.  Do you know how many Americans have no savings, no investments, no 401(k)'s, no IRA's and nothing to live on except Social Security?  It's way more than you think.  Can you even imagine what America is going to look like in 10-15 years when all the baby boomers are collecting from SS and it starts not being able to pay the promised benefits?  What happens to millions of Americans as their health is failing in old age and they have little or no income because they made zero savings plans?  Will they be out on the street dying of old age?  Will the government print $9000/mo to put millions into nursing homes and assisted living homes?  What happens if all that money printing leads to massive inflation and now nursing homes cost $20,000 per month or more?  Also, realize that nursing homes can't get people TODAY to show up for work so why would this be any different in the future?

Social Security’s shortfall grew by a record 18% in the last year. That $3 trillion increase means that it is more likely beneficiaries will face reduced benefits in the future, and the longer we wait the harder it will be to solve the problem.

The Trustees Report for the Social Security Trust Funds was released on August 31, 2021, and, within hours, all 270 pages of financial information was condensed by the media into a single sentence:

Based on the latest Social Security Trustees Report, the combined OASDI program will be insolvent by 2034, at which point there will be only enough incoming revenue to pay out 78% of scheduled payments.

Strangely enough, that synopsis was enough to satisfy the curiosity of most Americans about a system on which many of them will depend in old age. Generally, the average person believes that this sentence means that Social Security is a train on the same track, only a little bit closer. In fact, the report in a fuller light means is that the train now approaching is 40% bigger than it was two years ago, running on tracks that are less stable. 

Another way to look back at the year past is to say that for every $1 that the program collected, it created $3 of promises that it must keep for the program to remain solvent. This closely follows the results from 2019 when the system generated $2.9 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Over the last two years, the size of the system’s unfunded liability over that 75-year timeline has grown by more than 40%.

Here;  On the Solvency of Social Security - Articles - Advisor Perspectives

It's becoming more and more evident with every passing day that the American Experiment is nearing an end.  We don't fear God, we don't obey the commandments, we are drug addicted perverts who believe that the world owes us free everything.  We refuse to save for the future and then expect the government will care for all of our needs and wants until we are dead, and then pay for our funeral.

This is unsustainable.

If Jesus tarries too much longer America will be in the dust-bin of history along with the other great nations that cursed God.

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