
Friday, November 5, 2021

Mass Psychosis is Real

What happens when an entire society is put into a panic/fear mode?  They will seek relief and do almost anything to get it.  Throughout history there are many examples of theses societies pointing at a scapegoat to be the focus of their irrational, delusional fears.  The Germans blamed the Jews when their economy went into bankruptcy and their currency became worthless following WWI. The Germans were so fearful when their orderly lives turned into chaos that they became delusional.  Logic no longer works at this point.

Now look around at what’s happening in America because of the irrational fear of Covid.  There is no doubt that many in the masked/vaccinated crowd are so terrified of the Covids and so eager to get back to “normalcy” that they would be willing to imprison their neighbors who refuse to share their fear.

Now with Biden’s vax mandate kicking in there will be more fear of Covids and more anger and hatred directed at those who refuse to comply.  When the garbage stacks up in NYC because 1 in 6 city workers refuse to get jabbed, mayor De Blasio issues a statement from his ivory tower, “They’ll change their tune when their paycheck doesn’t show up.”  And when the workers refuse and the garbage starts to stink in the streets and the vaxed get even madder they may start arresting people for refusing the vax mandate.

Watch this very interesting 20 minute video on mass psychosis and see if you can’t recognize the terrifying path that America is heading down.

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