
Thursday, November 4, 2021

"Space Pearl Harbor" is Coming

 I'm gonna guess that most of us are totally clueless about the satellites that are flying over our heads in space all day and all night.  They are probably necessary for all sorts of daily functions that we take for granted.  Maybe cellphone service, Internet service, mapping services, the iCloud, military defense?  What would happen if an enemy came up with the idea destroy our satellites?  Could that be a problem?

On October 24, China launched its Shijian-21 into orbit. The satellite, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., is "tasked with demonstrating technologies to alleviate and neutralize space debris."

As Beijing sees it, American satellites constitute "debris."

Shijian-21 has a robotic arm that can be used to move space junk—there are more than 100 million pieces of it floating around the earth—or capture, disable, destroy, or otherwise render unusable other nations' satellites. That arm makes Shijian-21 a "satellite crusher."

Brandon Weichert, author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, tells Gatestone that the Chinese satellite was launched into geosynchronous orbit, where many of America's most sensitive satellite systems—those critical to Nuclear Command, Communications, and Control (NC3), surveillance, and military communications—are located.

"Because the U.S. satellites in geosynchronous orbit are so far away from earth, they are both expensive and hard-to-replace," he notes. "Losing any of these systems, with no replacements on hand, would give China's military an unprecedented advantage in the event of an outbreak of hostilities."

China has designed its new space station, Richard Fisher of the International Assessment and Strategy Center tells me, "to incorporate additional large military modules that can be equipped with lasers, microwave, or missile-based anti-satellite systems."

In September 2008, China's Shenzhou-7 manned mission came within 45 kilometers of the International Space Station as the Chinese crew was launching a microsatellite, "an obvious simulated ISS-intercept mission," says Fisher. One of the veterans of that mission, Fisher tells Gatestone, is now the commander on board the Chinese space station.

"They're going counterspace in a big way," said Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General John Hyten on October 28 at an event sponsored by the Defense Writers Group. Hyten, previously commander of the U.S. Air Force Space Command and U.S. Strategic Command, said Chinese military officers "are doing all those things because they saw how the United States has used space for dominant advantage."

"For many years, Washington has taken its space superiority for granted," Weichert observes. Complacency is not the only American disease, however. American blindness also had a role. At one time, America was dominant in space, and American political leaders decided to go slow on developing anti-satellite weapons for fear of triggering a competition. With the U.S. having the most assets in orbit, the reasoning went, the U.S. would have the most to lose with a race.

That view was the product of a fundamental misunderstanding of Chinese and Russian attitudes. The misunderstanding also directly led to America falling behind in another crucial space technology. The U.S. was the early leader in hypersonic flight with the X-15 reaching Mach 6.7—6.7 times the speed of sound—in 1967. Now, however, America is about a half-decade behind China. The U.S. is also trailing Russia.

"We had held back from pursuing military applications for this technology," Ambassador Robert Wood, U.S. representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, told Yahoo! Wood, as described by that site, "implied that U.S. officials had tried to avoid spurring a scramble for hypersonic missiles."

All that American restraint did was to allow the Chinese and Russian militaries to grab commanding leads in the race to deploy these impossible-to-defend-against delivery systems for nuclear weapons. In late July, Beijing shocked the Pentagon with an orbital test of a hypersonic glide vehicle.

Similarly, America is now behind China in the ability to take down satellites. "The Shijian-21 satellite is a game-changer," says Weichert, who also produces The Weichert Report. "It is a real-world offensive capability that can hunt and destroy American systems and render the U.S. military on earth deaf, dumb, and blind."

Here;  China's 'Satellite Crusher': 'Space Pearl Harbor' Is Coming :: Gatestone Institute

Wow!  A deaf, dumb and blind US military sounds bad.  

As I'm reading the book of Jeremiah, he tells the folks of Judah that they are going to be torn down and hauled away to Babylon.  They scoff and tell him to shut up.  They can't imagine a time that something like that would ever happen!...until it did.

As we read statistics about the church in America and find out that most "Christians" now support gay marriage and most also reject that Jesus is the only way, we wonder how much longer the church of America can be salt and light?

We have this false sense of security that tomorrow will always be just like today.

We pray that America will stay intact until the rapture of the church seals her demise, but how would we all react if, just like 9/11, we woke up to the news that China and Russia had destroyed our satellites and their invasion forces were coming ashore in California?  So where is the US Military to stop them?  Well, they are deaf, dumb and blind.  Plus it turns out they weren't ready because so many had resigned over the Covid vaccine mandate.  But hey, at least our remaining soldiers have been WOKE as to the needs of transgender soldiers in their midst and have learned how NOT to bully we got that.

I personally believe that the future of America does not look bright.  However, I don't believe there is a better place to go.  I believe we do our best to "work while there is still daylight" because darkness is coming for planet earth.

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