
Monday, November 22, 2021

Police Officer Fired For Supporting Rittenhouse Demands His Job Back

 Super strange things happening in America in regards to freedom of opinions and freedom of speech.  If the Left continues to get their way through bullying and canceling any speech they disagree with we are on very, very shaky ground.

Turns out that this Police officer sent $25 to Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund.  Some Leftish hackers got into the funding site and released names of who had contributed. (doxxing) This officer got fired just a few months before he was set to retire.  Now that Rittenhouse is innocent, he wants his job back.  If he doesn't get it back I hope he sues the city for millions for wrongful termination.

A Virginia police lieutenant who was fired in April after the establishment press doxxed him for donating $25 to a defense fund for since-acquitted former suspect Kyle Rittenhouse is desperate to get his job back and wishes more Americans, including his former employer, had done their research instead of rushing to judgment.

“I’ve been a homicide detective, a violent crimes investigator for years. I have a background. I watched the video of the shooting, and I’d seen the video of the journalists of Mr. Rittenhouse before the shooting and the protesters before the shooting,” the former Norfolk Police Department cop, William Kelly III, said in an interview Friday with the Daily Mail.

“And I thought it painted a pretty clear picture that Mr. Rittenhouse had a very strong claim for self-defense. I was very surprised when he was charged soon after the shooting with these murders and the shooting of the third victim.”

Virtually everybody who actually reviewed the evidence reached the exact same conclusion. But many didn’t review anything.

“If people consumed as much information as I did about the case they may have come to a different conclusion,” Kelly noted.

However, Kelly stressed that even if Rittenhouse had been convicted despite the evidence strongly favoring him, that wouldn’t have justified the Norfolk Police Department firing him for his opinion.

“Everything I’m saying is just my personal opinion … This is America. You can agree with your neighbors and other people in your community and you can disagree with them,” he said.

“Just because someone has a different opinion than you, it doesn’t mean you should destroy their lives, take their job away. My opinion on the self-defense claim of Mr. Rittenhouse has no impact on my ability to do my job as a police officer.”

Here;  Virginia cop fired when hackers revealed he donated $25 to Rittenhouse's defense fund demands job back (

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