
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Food Inflation

 Did you get a 5% raise last year because you were a hero who showed up for work everyday despite the Covid pandemic threatening your very existence? Good for you!  But what if all the prices of everything you buy just went up by 15-50%?  Then you just lost all of your raise and then some.  Sorry, but when politicians begin openly destroying our currency the only result is rising costs which IS inflation.  Better get used to it.  One day the US dollar will become worthless.  Of course this has to happen because the Bible says there will be a global currency run by Antichrist and you can take it to the bank that it won’t be the US greenback.


Tyson, the largest meat producer in the United States, is about to increase prices for chicken, beef and pork. For over a year, the company refrained from raising their prices, even as inflation put pressure on their quarterly earnings. Now the company has no choice but increase their prices by between 19-38 percent.

Inflation has risen to its highest level in thirty-one years, as America faces historic incompetence in the Congress and the White House. Instead of sticking to a budget and adhering to responsible economic policies, the U.S. Congress passed a $1 trillion spending bill, insulting American taxpayers and common sense. Joe Biden signed the spending extravaganza with glee, claiming that additional government spending will help the current economic situation. He said the current inflation is only temporary and Americans need not worry. Biden says the benefits of his new infrastructure deal will soon be felt (even though out-of-control government spending is one of the main reasons why inflation continues to skyrocket). “My message to the American people is this: America is moving again and your life is going to change for the better,” Biden lied through his false teeth.

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