
Sunday, November 21, 2021

We Need a UFO Office

 The fact that the US Government is talking openly about crafts flying through our skies that defy our technology is full disclosure that “aliens are real”.  So real, in fact, that we need a governmental office to study them.  Satan seems to be about done with his plan to fully prepare the people of planet earth to accept that “more highly evolved beings are visiting our world”.  My longtime readers know these are highly evolved creatures but are the demons/fallen angels who have been deceiving mankind since the beginning.  This alien ruse is just the grand finale of deception that will usher in the very Last Days and delude the left behind population.


A bipartisan proposal to create a more expansive military and intelligence program to study UFOs is urgently needed to determine whether unexplained sightings by Navy and Air Force pilots pose a threat or are evidence of some “other entity,” the lead sponsor said Wednesday.

“If it is technology possessed by adversaries or any other entity, we need to know,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said in her first interview about the effort. “Burying our heads in the sand is neither a strategy nor an acceptable approach.”

“You have a million questions that must be answered for a million reasons,” she said, citing “the entire spectrum of unidentified aerial phenomena.”

“You're talking about drone technology, you're talking about balloon technology, you're talking about other aerial phenomena, and then you're talking about the unknown,” she said. “Regardless of where you fall on the question of the unknown, you have to answer the rest of the questions. That’s why this is urgent. That’s why having no oversight or accountability up until now to me is unacceptable.”

Her amendment also would create a separate “aerial and transmedium advisory committee” made up of experts from NASA, the FAA, the National Academies of Sciences, the head of the Galileo Project at Harvard University,the director of the Optical Technology Center at Montana State University, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, and the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics.

“You have to have the smartest, most informed minds from the world convening on these issues so you know what you’re up against,” Gillibrand said.

The increased attention follows a preliminary assessment from the director of national intelligence in June that reviewed more than 140 UAP incidents that could not be readily explained, including 18 that maneuvered in ways that appeared to defy known aerodynamics.

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