
Friday, December 17, 2021

Americans Being Conditioned to Submit to New World Order

 We have said numerous times that these vaccine mandates, neighbors turning in neighbors who are unvaccinated and now NYC Police arresting people who can’t produce their vaccine passports, are all prepping planet Earth to accept and even welcome the Mark of the Beast when the Antichrist shows up after the rapture.  Now Rand Paul is warning that we are being conditioned to submit to the NWO that will one day take over America.  It’s all related.  One step at a time.


Libertarian-conservative Sen. Rand Paul noted in recent days that it’s become obvious to him that the Biden regime and the deep state Marxists who are propping it up are using COVID-19 as a means of conditioning Americans to accept authoritarianism and permanently surrender their constitutional rights because sheep are a whole lot easier to rule over.

In an interview with Fox News host Dan Bongino, the Kentucky Republican responded to remarks by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) after he compared “anti-vaxxers here in this chamber” to “flat-earthers” from hundreds of years ago who did not believe the globe was round.

“Schumer left out one thing when they were denying that the Earth went around the sun. It was the government denying that and it was an independent scientist trying to set them straight,” Paul said in reference to Schumer’s ignorance of history.

Paul noted further that “the danger is when you let science be controlled by government, or by one sort of monolithic individual like [Biden administration medical adviser Dr. Anthony] Fauci, it really doesn’t have anything to do with science.

Science usually discovers the truth eventually. But when science is dictated by the government, that’s when you get, you know, Flat Earthers,” he added.

“I don’t think it’s been about science for a long time,” Paul continued.

“It’s really been about conditioning the American individual to submit to government. And you’re right, it never ends, the goalposts will continue to change. And ultimately, more and more of your healthcare will be controlled,” the Kentucky Republican and ophthalmologist added.


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