
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Iran Prepping to Launch Space Vehicle Capable of Carrying Nuke to Israel

 We know that Iran’s nuke facilities are underground, way underground and even under mountains.  They are “hardened” which will make Israel use its best technology to use bunker missiles which can drill into rock before exploding.  But what if Israel decided to destroy this space launch center in Iran which seems like it would slow Iran’s capability of delivering a nuke into Israel?  Let’s watch what Israel does in next few weeks.  As the article points out it’s interesting that Iran is doing this WHILE it’s negotiating with Western powers.  Just remember that the Bible is clear that once God has regathered the Jews from all the nations where they had been scattered for 2000 years and planted them on the LAND that he promised Abraham, Israel will NEVER be totally destroyed again. 


Satellite images of the Iranian Space Center show that Iran is preparing to send a space-launch vehicle out of the atmosphere, a new report by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs said on Wednesday.

The report, by Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Segall, a senior analyst at the JCPA, noted that the development is occurring as nuclear talks between Iran and world powers are occurring in Vienna, adding that “the action may be intended as leverage to further pressure the West in the negotiations.”

“It is widely suspected that Iran is seeking to connect its nuclear capabilities to launch vehicles for nuclear weapons,” added the report.

In February of this year, Iran launched a new, powerful, three-stage rocket called “Zuljanah,” claiming it could lift “a 500-pound payload as high as 310 miles.”

The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency found that an Iranian space launch vehicle called “Simorgh” could be “capable of ICBM ranges if configured as a ballistic missile,” according to the report. The space satellite is to be launched again by the Simorgh rocket, which has a range of 4,000km, from the Imam Khomeini Spaceport. Iran is 3,000 kilometers from Israel.

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