
Monday, December 20, 2021

Ex-US Generals Warn of Coup and Civil War in 2024

 We have blogged frequently about Civil war in America.  How long can can two groups coexist with each other when they are so split in their world views?  How long can a nation continue when so many of it's leaders hate the country they were elected to lead?  Think about Mn Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her squad of idiots who were given the privaledge of becoming Americans and then see fit to tear it down?

Today we find some former Generals on the liberal side of things who are warning that 2024 could see a split in the military amongst Trump-type supporters verses Democrat supporters.  They warn that this could lead to Civil War.

Three Trump-obsessed former generals penned a conspiracy theory laden op-ed for The Washington Post late last week warning of a potential coup and civil war in 2024 unless certain steps are taken now to nullify the threat.

These steps include purging the military of those accused of wrongthink, making it “perfectly clear to every member” of America’s armed forces “whom they answer to” and prosecuting any Republican who challenged the 2020 presidential election results.

Written by retired U.S. Army Gen. Paul D. Eaton, retired U.S. Army Major Gen. Antonio M. Taguba and retired U.S. Army Brigadier Gen. Steven M. Anderson, the piece centers around the thesis that after Democrats win the 2024 election, Republicans will install a shadow government.

This shadow government, the generals claim, will be led by either former President Trump “or another Trumpian figure.”

“Imagine competing commanders in chief — a newly reelected Biden giving orders, versus Trump (or another Trumpian figure) issuing orders as the head of a shadow government. Worse, imagine politicians at the state and federal levels illegally installing a losing candidate as president,” the generals write.

“All service members take an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution. But in a contested election, with loyalties split, some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser. Arms might not be secured depending on who was overseeing them. Under such a scenario, it is not outlandish to say a military breakdown could lead to civil war.”

Here;  Former generals warn of coup, civil war in '24, call for military purge over fear troops may 'follow the Trumpian loser' (

This weekend I saw numerous repostings on social media of a comment that went something like this: Enough already!  Let's build a big wall in America and put the terrified, "government save me!", mask wearing idiots on one said and put the freedom-loving, live my own life, God-fearing folks on the other!"  There were thousands of LIKES to this comment.

So how much longer can we continue on this track?

Of course we have said it numerous times that we hope America stays intact and somewhat status quo until the rapture of the church seals her fate.  When millions of God-fearing, Holy Spirit filled people vanish in the twinkling of an eye to meet Jesus in the clouds, all hell will break loose for America and the world.

"While they are saying 'peace and safety', destruction will come upon them suddenly."

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