
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Brian Williams Signs Off With Scary Message for America

NBC Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams, had his last goodbye a few days ago as he is going to try retirement for a while. In his final farewell he talks about an America that has become unrecognizable from what it was even a few years ago. He speaks of politicians who are smart enough to know better but have instead joined the angry mobs who are calling to “burn it all down”.  Brian fears for America like never before and his words seem almost prophetic coming from someone who has reported and seen current events every single night for decades.

As you read the OT books of Hosea, Amos, Joel and other prophets, they all warned Israel that they were going to burned down because of their godlessness, their worship of false gods, their perversion and their fact that they had zero fear of the Lord.  And of course they were torn down and destroyed for 2000 years.

So when I hear from folks who claim to be Christians and they say that God only has blessings in store for America and would NEVER curse this nation or tear it down, it makes me wonder what God they are worshiping?  It certainly doesn’t seem they are worshiping the God of the Bible. “Depart from me, I don’t know you!”, have to be the most terrifying words spoken by Jesus.

Hat tip to Guy B.

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