
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Hottest Temperature EVER Recorded in Arctic

 This news is being reported today even though the actual temperature record was set in June of 2020. 

The United Nations on Tuesday officially recognized the 38 degrees Celsius measured in Siberia last year as a record high for the Arctic, sounding "alarm bells" about climate change.

The sweltering heat — equivalent to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit — was seen on June 20, 2020 in the Russian town of Verkhoyansk, marking the highest temperature ever recorded above the Arctic Circle, the World Meteorological Organization said. 

This is the first time the WMO has added record heat in the Arctic to its archive of extreme weather reports, and it comes amid an unprecedented wave of record temperature spikes globally, the U.N. agency said.   

Here;  Newly-confirmed Arctic record 100-degree heat in Siberia setting off climate change "alarm bells," U.N. says - CBS News

Of course this will be the cause of much talk about "global warming" and "climate catastrophe".  It will also give rise to much more talk about the need for a global government authority to battle this climate emergency.

You see, in their eyes it does very little good for America to shut down a coal plant if Russia is opening two.  But can imagine anytime soon China and Russia having some "woke" officials from Europe demanding that they lower their carbon footprint?  Not sure how it's all going to work out, but here's what I do know.  The Bible says that as long as the earth endures there will be winter and springtime, heat and cold, planting and harvest.  We believe that most of these crazy weather events like record heat, record cold, record volcanoes and record earthquakes are the result of the earth GROANING under the weight of sin.

It's a fact;  the more people you have on planet earth the more sin that exists because ALL PEOPLE are sinners!  Historians tell us that when Jesus walked on earth 2000 years ago that the population of the entire planet was around 200 million and now we have 7.5 billion!  That's 37.5 times more sinners today than 2000 years ago!  Of course the world is going to groan under the curse of all that sin!

We yearn for the day when we will have our new glorified bodies that will never die and also won't sin! We will be the bride of Christ!  We look forward to having the same flesh as Jesus Christ currently has and we dream of how awesome it will be to rule and reign with him on planet earth for 1000 years! 1000 years with the curse lifted!

For this reason, Bible-believing, followers of Christ do not have Greta Thuneburg and climate emergency at the top of our "things that concern us."  We are much more concerned about spreading the Gospel to these 7.5 billion sinners before it's too late for them.

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