
Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas! We Have a Very Bright Future to Look Forward to

 1 Corinthians 2:9

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him—

Pretty amazing to ponder what we are going to see and experience very soon!  It’s very possible that we are the last generation—the ones who are going to hear the trumpet, see the dead rise into glory and then exchange our mortal bodies for bodies that are like Jesus’ body in the twinkling of an eye.

But even if lots of us don’t see it and die before he blows the trumpet, that also is going to happen very soon.  We are just a mist that lives life on earth for a very short time and then our bodies go to the grave while our soul goes to be with Jesus!  To live is Christ and to die is gain!

As we celebrate the birth of God into human flesh to save us from perishing, let’s keep our eyes on the prize and let’s be busy doing the only thing we are commanded to do...spread the truth that Jesus is the only way to have eternal life with our Creator.

When I was first becoming a Bible reader and was super excited about what I was learning, one of my co workers came into my office and saw me reading the Bible.  He told me, “Don’t become so heavenly minded that you become no earthly good!”

In reality he was 180 degrees wrong on what the truth is!  The Bible exhorts us; “Don’t become so earthly minded that you become no heavenly good!”

Merry Christmas everyone!  Jesus as suffering servant the first time he came.  Jesus as warrior, judge, executioner and King the next time he comes to earth.  But before that, all believers will be called into the sky to meet Jesus in the air and be taken to an incredible celebration!  What a day that will be!  Maranatha!

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