
Saturday, December 25, 2021

Preparing Religions on Earth to Discover “Aliens”

 I’m convinced that the world continues to be prepped for a massive deception involving demons/fallen angels.  It’s very likely that the Antichrist will be involved in this massive deception.  It’s also very possible that when “God sends great delusion” on those people left behind who heard the truth of Jesus Christ but rejected it, will have something to do with them believing the lie about the “aliens”.  As the article says, the false belief that “aliens evolved” just like humans did on earth may force us to rewrite the creation story of Genesis.  This will never happen!  God came to earth as a human being that we were all created in His image.  There is no name under all of heaven by which mankind is saved except the name of Jesus!  I believe this is one other converging sign showing us the nearness of the return of Christ to snatch His bride away from this deceived world.


In a rather bizarre move, NASA has recruited a British priest to prepare the religious for the discovery of alien life as space agencies claim to be getting closer to discovering evidence that life exists outside of planet earth reports The Times.

Reverend Dr. Andrew Davison, a priest and theology professor at the University of Cambridge, is among 24 theologians who participated in a program sponsored by NASA at the space agency’s Center for Theological Inquiry (CTI) at Princeton University. The theologians attempted to assess how major religions would react to news of alien life being found.

The appointment comes as NASA’s $10billion James Webb Space Telescope is scheduled to launch on Christmas day.

The vessel will implement cutting-edge technology to examine every phase of cosmic history inside the solar system to the most distant observable galaxies in the early universe.

The device, which features infrared capabilities, will study a wide array of scientific questions to help mankind better understand the “origins of the universe and humans’ place in it.”

A NASA expert said The Times: “We may not discover life for 100 years. Or we may discover it next week.”

Davidson seeks to answer theological questions such as whether or not God made life in other parts of the universe or if he sent a savior to die for the sins of aliens.

Another question the British priest seeks to tackle is if discovering extraterrestrial life demands religions to rewrite the entire story of creation in Genesis.

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