
Monday, December 27, 2021

War Drums Are Beating

 While most Americans are cleaning up their Christmas wrappings and planning for New Year’s Eve parties, some very possible life changing events are shaping up all around us.  The situation with Russia massing its military on Ukraine’s border and maybe going head to head with NATO is a lot bigger deal than most of us know.  Also China and Iran are bigger deals than we realize.  And notice as well that the push for a one world government keeps making its way into the forefront even in articles like this one. For  all the folks out there who think that life can’t get any stranger or more crazy than the last 2 years living with Covid, circumstances could happen very quickly that could make all of our comfortable lives here in America a thing of the past.  And do you really think Joe Biden would have a clue what all was going on or what to do about it?  Keep praying that Jesus comes “soon and very soon” because a lot of things could be coming to a head in 2022.


“If Nato fails to protect its member states or its territories,” he warned, “then it will not just be a military and political failure but a complete mental collapse of the system of values that have been built since the end of world war two. It will mean the whole transatlantic community will be in complete disarray and the glue that keeps us together has failed”.

This horse has already bolted. The “glue” holding this ball of wax together is more like slime and “isht” is falling through the cracks in every direction, while the bureaucrats desperately try to hold it all together. It won’t work.

Let me summarise. Like covid, the “cyber pandemic” is a plan-demic designed to usher in the Great Reset (a plan originally made in 1992 and titled Agenda 21 at the UN).

This plan we are told is to “save” the world from a climate crisis, too much consumerism, and inequality. Naturally, in order to “fix” these problems a one world government is needed with communism implemented (changing shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism) and a slave class dependent on government (universal basic income) for their necessities. Necessities which will be provided to or denied based upon one’s social credit score.

These are things that most don’t want to see. Heck, I don’t want to see them. They’re truly and utterly terrifying.

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