
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Minnesota School Board Agrees to Pay Colored Teachers More Than It Pays Whites

First off, can you even say "colored people"?  I always thought that's the term that ignorant and racist folks used?  I guess it's now politically correct to say "people of color".  This describes anyone who has a darker skin tone that Caucasians I guess.

We really hope that this news comes up as a hoax.  However, it appears to be very real.  As more school boards become "woke" these are the types of idiotic decisions we expect to become the norm.

After brown and black people fought for years in this country to end segregation and inequality, now many of the grandkids of those same brown and black people are pushing for "Black dorms" at colleges, black entertainment, (must be black to try out), blacks only at the playgrounds.  I wonder when they will ask for the "blacks only" drinking fountains to come back to our schools and public places?


If you feel like you live in an alternative universe where reductionism replaces logic and superficiality trumps character, here's more evidence that you may be right. We might just be living in a racist version of The Twilight Zone.

The Mankato School Board in Minnesota voted unanimously to pay non-white teachers “additional stipends” based only on the color of their skin, according to BizPac Review. If you happen to be born black or Native American and teach for the school district, you ostensibly deserve to be paid more than your peers.

You don't have to earn the raise for going the extra mile to help students or for actually doing anything at all. The pay raise is based upon the accident of skin color and nothing else. Forget the fact that nobody gets to determine the color of skin they're born with.

Here;  Racist school board unanimously approves plan to pay non-white teachers more (

This is the VERY DEFINTION of racism!  Treating someone differently based ONLY on the color of their skin!  Yet we see that the "woke" people who come up with these racist ideas suffer from a delusion that makes them incapable of seeing their hypocrisy.

Maybe one more reason for a massive split that has to be coming for America if this insanity continues.  

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