
Friday, December 31, 2021

MN Gov. Walz Plays His Part in "Cancel Culture"

 Our own Gov. Walz decided it was time for him to revisit Minnesota History and overrule what President Lincoln had approved over 150 years ago.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz honored murderers whose executions were personally reviewed and approved by President Abraham Lincoln.

“159 years ago, 38 Dakota men were hung, and three years later, two chiefs were executed. Today, Minnesota reflects on a terrible chapter in our state’s history,” Walz wrote on Twitter Sunday. “We honor them by acknowledging our wrongdoings and recommitting ourselves to a more just and equitable state.”

Apparently, he believes that Minnesota was wrong to execute men convicted of murder who effectively started the U.S.-Dakota War.

On Aug. 17, 1862, four Dakota men fired on some white farmers, killing women and children in a dispute over the farmers’ chicken eggs in Acton Township near modern day Grove City, Minnesota. The four Dakota then retreated to their village where they convinced tribal leaders to go to war with the Minnesotans.

The next day, Dakota warriors attacked farms and settlements in the area. They killed hundreds of Minnesotans, taking hundreds more as prisoners, including women and children. The Milford Township was among the most affected areas, losing over 50 of its residents. A monument now stands to commemorate the innocent lives lost there.

Here;  Walz honors murderers whose executions were approved by President Lincoln (

The idea that we can sit in our Lazy Boys with our remotes and decide who was "good" and who was "bad" hundreds of years later is ludicrous.  It factors into one more example of the delusion that is coming upon us and further dividing the populace between the "woke" and "un-woke".

Did America treat the Native Indians cruelly?  No doubt!  Have people been treating their conquered populations cruelly since human history began?  No doubt!  But the false idea that these Natives were innocent of murder and rape simply because they were Natives is absurd.  And the idea that Gov. Walz has his finger on the justice button more than President Lincoln did 160 years later is sad.

Can and should we learn from history?  Yes!!  Should we go back and judge situations from hundreds of years ago from the armchairs of our comfortable Lazy Boys while drinking a Pepsi and eating chicken wings??  No!  So let's move along and let history stay as history.

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