
Saturday, January 1, 2022

CA Starts Off With Wettest Water Year in 40 Years

 We have posted quite a bit in these last few years about how desperate the water situation was getting in CA, NV, AZ and Southwest.  If God wanted to make America squirm He would shut off the water to CA where over 50% of all our edible foods are grown.  The situation was getting close to the “worst ever” in CA but now it would appear that God has “shed His mercy over thee.”  CA has more snowpack today on January 1 than it has by the end of an average year.  Also some parts of the state got 18 inches of rain that literally brought the reservoirs up dozens and dozens of feet almost overnight.  Honestly, we almost have to conclude that this is a special, unique, situational, Divine Intervention that happened in CA because maybe God isn’t done with America quite yet?

“He sends his rain on the righteous and the wicked.”

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