
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Kids Believe Unvaccinated Should Be Turned Into the Police

 I'm pretty sure that most of you have read George Orwell's book, 1984.  If not maybe you should add it to your list since it seems to be coming true in front of our eyes.  Cameras everywhere.  The government knows what's best for you and your own neighbors or kids might turn you in to the authorities if they will be rewarded.

We know it's happened in authoritarian places like Nazi Germany or North Korea but certainly it can't happen in civilized countries like ours....right??

This TV host in Canada asked some kids what should be done with people who refuse the Covid shot.  Pretty amazing how quickly the teachers and parents can turn little kids into authoritarians.

Canadian TV show host Julie Snyder has apologized after making the “mistake” of asking two young children their opinions on how to handle those who have not received the vaccine, and encouraging their shockingly harsh responses.

“Last Tuesday (yesterday) I made a mistake by asking children what they thought of vaccination. I apologize to those who have been offended by this. I’m very sorry about that,” she tweeted in French.

Snyder asked the children if they were vaccinated, to which the young girl responded that they have each had “one dose” of the jab. What could have been a fairly normal discussion given the global circumstances took a strange turn when she followed up that question by asking them how they feel about mandatory vaccination.

“Are you in favor of mandatory vaccine?” Snyder asked gleefully.

The answer was a startling and resounding “YES!”

It only got more frightening from there with the host, oblivious to any potential consequences to this line of questioning, “What should we do with the people who don’t want the vaccine?”

The young boy responded, “We should call the police,” with a male voice exclaiming “Yes! Yes!”

The young girl responded more strongly.

“If they don’t have the vaccine it can make a lot of people in danger so like what the government does right now, we should cut everything from them little by little until they [submit] and get vaccinated,” she explains.

Instead of being appalled at the authoritarian principles the children were displaying, Snyder instead encouraged them by saying that they were “future politicians” to a round of applause.

Here;  Show host apologizes after clip of children demanding harsh penalties for the unvaxxed startles the masses · American Wire News

The response on social media was almost all negative to this bizarre report.  One dude nailed it when he cut and pasted from the actual 1984 book on page 25.

"It was almost normal for people over 30 to be frightened of their own children...for hardly a wk passed in which the Times did not carry a paragraph describing how some...little sneak--'child hero'--...had overheard...and denounced his parents to the Thought Police."  

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