
Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Great Resignation. 40 Million Americans Quit Their Jobs in 2021

 Newsflash:  40 Millions Americans Quit Their Jobs in 2021.  What the heck is going on?  Could the Great Resignation be part of the Great Reset that the globalists have planned to happen by 2030/

It's quittin' time in America.

April was the first month to raise eyebrows as a record number of workers quit and anecdotal stories began cropping up that businesses were having trouble filling open roles. It was unclear at the time if it was just a blip in America's economic recovery.

But then workers kept on quitting. In fact, they've now quit at near-record highs for seven months straight — over half of the year. In October, according to the latest Job Openings, Layoffs, and Turnover Survey (JOLTS) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.2 million Americans quit. That's a drop from the month prior, when a whopping 4.4 million workers left. That's 3% of the workforce in September and 2.8% in October. In any other moment, it would be a jaw-dropping number, but after the quitting tear of 2021, 4.2 million people leaving in one month now ranks as just the third highest rate this year.

With seven months of near-record highs, 2021 is officially the year of quitting. Workers in retail, leisure and hospitality, and accommodation and food services are leading the way in walking out. The millions of workers quitting shows how the post-vaccine economy is still being reshaped by workers, and suggests that the old way of working — from wages to flexibility to benefits — has to change for people to stay in their roles. 

"I think there is a possibility that we do see relatively elevated rates of quitting moving forward," Nick Bunker, economic research director at Indeed, told Insider. "We might see a slow down in demand, but there are lots of sectors of the economy where employers are really want to make hires."

Bunker said that 2021 has also been a story of demand, as the economy starts to recover. That's been fueling quitting. 

"The question is, as we head into a new year and with this new Omicron variant hanging over us, what happens to demand?" Bunker said.

All told, over 38 million workers have quit their jobs during 2021. Some of those may be job switchers, leaving low-wage industries like food services for higher pay, and some may be the millions of workers who are still remaining on the sidelines.


How can there be millions of workers who are simply "sitting on the sidelines?"  Don't those folks need to buy groceries and cars and pay rent?  Or have millions of 20-30 somethings moved back to their parent's basements and having mom wash their clothes while they play Gameboy and drink beer?  How could millions of workers NOT PAYING TAXES or SOCIAL SECURITY affect us all over the long term?  Can our government afford to print money and send these folks checks so they can continue sitting on the sidelines?

Strange times in America.

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