
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Another Proud Moment for Minnesota Politicians

 Angie is a lesbian married to a woman and she saw fit to read a pro-transgender book produced by the organization that her wife works for.  Newsflash;  young girls aren’t allowed to vote or drive because their young brains are far from formed so certainly they are incapable of deciding that they are boys.  Folks on the Left are literally destroying this nation right before our eyes.  Our founding fathers would be so confused if they could see us now.  So woke!  So proud!


U.S. Rep. Angie Craig took to the House floor last week to read a children’s book about a young girl who decides she is a boy.

The book, “Calvin,” was produced by the Human Rights Campaign, where Craig’s wife works as the director of the Welcoming Schools program, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

“It is critically important to make sure that transgender and nonbinary youth not only feel supported but valued and affirmed for who they are,” Craig said before reading the book.

Craig read the book in recognition of the annual “Jazz & Friends National Day of School and Community Reading,” a trans rights campaign sponsored by her wife’s organization. She marked the occasion on the House floor last year as well.

The book “Calvin” is on the Human Rights Campaign’s recommended reading list for children in grades K-2. Its goal is to “help students understand what it means to be transgender” and increase “student understanding of ally behavior.”

The teaching document for the book suggests pairing it with the “Gender Snowperson” to help students “break down the concepts of … gender identity … sexual orientation … pronoun assigned at birth (sex assigned at birth) and gender expression.”

Also on the Human Rights Campaign’s book list is “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope” and “Jacob’s School Play: Starring He, She, They,” both intended for preschoolers.

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