
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Putin's Bluster?

 Some serious words are being said by Russia's Czar Putin.  He is warning the world not to go down a certain path.  A war with Russia has some very real potential of going nuclear and right now they have a missile defense system which has tipped the balance of power in their favor.

At this point we aren't real concerned that the world is going to embark on a nuclear war but this could certainly be foreshadowing of what's coming during the Great Tribulation. Jesus clearly tells us that if he didn't intervene by His return to earth that NO FLESH would survive those days.

The Biden administration seems to think that there won't be any serious consequences for endlessly provoking the Russians, but Russian President Vladimir Putin definitely seems to understand what is at stake.

Following a very lengthy discussion with French President Emmanuel Macron, Putin issued a very ominous warning to the press...

'I've been saying it, but I'd very much want you to finally hear me, and to deliver it to your audience in print, TV and online.

'Do you understand it or not, that if Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia?'

War with Russia should be something that we try extremely hard to avoid.

Because once a war with Russia starts, there is a very good chance that it will eventually go nuclear.

Putin says that he does not want such a conflict, and he told the press that there will be "no winners" if it actually happens...

'Of course the military potential of NATO and Russia are incomparable. We understand it.

'But we also understand that Russia is one of the leading nuclear states, and by some modern components it even outperforms many.

'There will be no winners. And you will be pulled into this conflict against your will.

'You won't even have time to blink your eye when you execute Article 5 (collective defence of NATO members)....

'Mr President Macron, of course, doesn't want this. And I don't want it. And I don't want it....which is why he is here, torturing me for six straight hours.'

But even though Putin believes that there would be "no winners" in a nuclear war, he has still been preparing the Russians to fight one.

The development of the S-500 missile defense system was game changing.  According to the Russian Defense Ministry, it has "no analogs" anywhere in the world...

"The S-500 anti-aircraft missile system has no analogs in the world and is designed to defeat the entire spectrum of existing and promising aerospace attack weapons of a potential enemy in the entire range of altitudes and speeds," the defense ministry said in a statement.

Unfortunately, the Russians are quite correct about the S-500.  There isn't anything like it anywhere else in the world, and it gives the Russians a tremendous advantage.

It has been designed to be able to intercept and bring down any incoming threats, and that includes intercontinental ballistic missiles from the United States...

Here;  Putin Warns That The World Is Going Down A Road That Leads To Nuclear War (

As we have posted in the past, Putin is the top candidate to fulfill the role of Gog of Magog.  Also interesting in that he mentioned being "tortured" by a long meeting with Emmanuel Macron who is the leading candidate to fulfill the role of Antichrist.

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