
Saturday, February 19, 2022

Did Demons Breed With Human Women and Change DNA?

 Many cultures tell of a time when “gods” came down from the sky and took women and impregnated them with strange seed.  Today it would seem that science is catching up with this story as they start analyzing DNA going back 5000 years.  Of course their only explanation is that “aliens” from other planets were responsible for the rapid change they are observing in human DNA.  Watch this short clip from the History Channel and see how men are being deceived once again.


  1. Could it be the Nephilum?
    I don't know a lot about the subject!

  2. Yes, Jesus said "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man". In the days of Noah the earth was filled with Nephilim, when the fallen angels took women and somehow had them give birth to mutants. This would have been the primary reason WHY God wiped out the world and started over with 8 humans on the ark. Noah was PERFECT in his generation, which very well could mean that his DNA was 100% human and had not been tainted by fallen angels. If you watch stories today of women and men who report being abducted by "aliens", they report that their eggs and semen have been harvested and also report being shown babies being grown in jars or incubators. Of course many humans believe that "aliens" from other planets are doing this, but Bible readers know these are simply the same demons/fallen angels that have been attempting to pervert God's plans from the very beginning. The book of Revelation tells of terrifying demonic beings that will be unleashed on the Left Behind world and I would propose that Satan is preparing to make this a reality. Trust in Jesus because and His Word because the whole world is about to majorly deceived by fallen angels/demons again.
