
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

People’s Convoy Headed to D.C.

Sorry for the lack of posts these past days but just got back from a wedding in Mexico.

I’m sure you’ve all been watching what’s been going on in Canada. Mask police tackling skiers on the lifts who didn’t wear a mask while on the slopes. Police wrestling with citizens trying to peacefully protest, etc...   Well it might very well be a foreshadowing of what’s coming for America.  The fences are going up around the White House as our own truckers are planning their own peaceful convoy.  Will our police and soldier start turning on those who refuse masks and vaccines?


“The freedom to choose is what our country is founded on, what our military has fought for, and died for, and bled for, and sacrificed everything,” Sommers, who has been a trucker for 34 years, told Breitbart News. “We must stand up, this is our duty. … I feel this is also a way, for myself personally, that I can fight for my country and its people.”

“The blue collar boys have historically always been the first to jump in and defend our freedom,” Steele, who is a paralegal, mother, and wife, and had no previous experience with truckers, explained. “Whatever war it’s been, throughout history, it’s always the blue collar boys that are the first in, they sacrifice the most, they’re the first to sign up, and they’re doing it again. I mean, here we are again, in 2022, with our freedoms on the line and tyranny closing in, and one more time, it’s the blue collar boys. So they’re the tip of the spear, and we owe them a world of gratitude.”

Both Sommers and Steele emphasized the importance of truckers to American society. “Without trucks, we are the lifeblood of America. I mean, everybody dies. There would not even be doctors or nurses. They couldn’t even continue on without trucks,” Sommers said, explaining that truckers are often the unseen, unsung heroes of society who allow for access to all things from basic necessities like food and clothing to whatever someone ordered on Amazon.

“The last 23 months of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a rough road for all Americans to travel: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and – not least – financially,” a Saturday press release reads. “With the advent of the vaccine and workable therapeutic agents, along with the hard work of so many sectors that contributed to declining COVID-19 cases and severity of illness, it is now time to re-open the country.”

“It’s about bringing this country together and uniting right now,” Sommers continued. “It’s not necessarily whether or not you’ve gotten the shot. … It’s the freedom to choose, and our freedom of choice. I mean, there’s a lot of people that have gotten the vax that are on board with this as far as losing our freedom to choose whether we want to get the vaccination. … Our freedoms are being stripped from us.”

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