
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

NASA Should Prepare for an "Impending Alien Invasion"

 You know 100% that I was going to have to blog about a headline like this;

Uri Geller warns NASA to prepare for impending alien invasion

Israeli magician Uri Geller has warned NASA that an alien invasion of Earth will take place in the near future.

According to the Daily Star, the mentalist famous for bending spoons believes that scientists studying interstellar radio waves stumbled upon an alien armada heading straight toward us. He points to the recent discovery of an immense ball of energy only 4,000 light years away.

Geller, 75, believes the energy source is evidence of the communications of alien beings far superior to humans.

He also believes that the advanced civilization is planning an invasion.

"A team mapping radio waves in the universe has discovered something unusual that releases a giant burst of energy three times an hour and it’s unlike anything astronomers have seen before,” Geller wrote on Instagram.

"No doubt in my mind that this is connected to alien intelligence way way superior than ours.”

"Start deciphering their messages! They are preparing us for a mass landing soon!” said Geller, tagging NASA.

According to reports, scientists have never encountered anything similar to the giant ball of energy. They theorize that it may be multiple collapsed stars creating a vast and powerful magnetic field – a phenomenon called a magnetar.

Natasha Hurley-Walker, an astrophysicist Curtin University in Australia, described the object as “kind of spooky for an astronomer because there’s nothing known in the sky that does that.”

"And it’s really quite close to us — about 4,000 light years away. It’s in our galactic backyard.’’

Hurley-Walker was off the opinion that the object is an “ultra-long period magnetar” – a celestial body that has only been theorized to exist.

"Somehow it’s converting magnetic energy to radio waves much more effectively than anything we’ve seen before,” she said.

Here;  Uri Geller warns NASA to prepare for impending alien invasion | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

This is just one other example from one other headline about HOW the world is being prepared to accept the "scientific fact" that other intelligent life forms have evolved on far away planets similar to how humans evolved.  And thanks to "science" taught at all public schools, 94% of Americans believe we evolved from nothing billions of years ago.

Satan understands its just a tiny jump from believing that to then believing that "aliens" evolved from nothing as well.

No doubt the delusion is building on planet earth.  And there is no doubt that Satan and his minions will use the "aliens took them" to try to explain what happened to millions of people who vanish when Jesus blows the trumpet and comes for His bride.

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