
Monday, February 14, 2022

Russia-Ukraine Crisis Could Undermine World Order

 Lot's of chatter about WORLD ORDER.  When the Antichrist shows up there WILL BE a New World Order.  So for now we watch the movement towards that end.

Analysis: If U.S and NATO's fears materialize and the Russians indeed invade the neighboring state, it will have an impact on the entire world in a way that hasn't been seen since World War II, potentially reshaping the balance of power in Europe

"A war in Europe" - it's a phrase that destabilizes everything we know and was last uttered 75 years ago. 

Yes, there were other wars, such as the one in Yugoslavia, which was the result of the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc, generally referred to the USSR. And Russia also conducted a series of military actions over the years, like the ones in Chechnya and Georgia.

But for the first time since World War II, two armed and highly organized armies might clash, as one has over a million soldiers and the other has more than three, both have tens of thousands of various military vehicles, not to mention a nuclear capability on the Russian side.

This is not a civil war that has gone out of control like in Bosnia, nor a border dispute or a rogue takeover, like Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. If this invasion does happen, as the CIA conveyed to U.S. President Joe Biden it would. This would be a real attempt to reshape the European borders by using lethal and destructive force of one of the most powerful armies on the globe. 

In fact, this will be an attempt to reverse the achievements of the West after the collapse of the Soviet Union, or as Russian President Vladimir Putin called it "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century".

But before we begin panicking over the potential war, we first need to understand what is currently happening because it is quite unusual. 

The Americans are conducting extensive psychological warfare through international media against the Russians. They are constantly revealing their intelligence about Kremlin allegedly telling its military forces to prepare for the invasion and planning false attacks on Ukraine as an excuse to start a war. The U.S. and NATO constantly update the world about every Russian move to the east.

These actions have a few purposes: To make it clear to Moscow that its plans are completely exposed to the American intelligence, to place the responsibility for the possible invasion on Putin's shoulders, to make sure that the U.S. allies understand the expected escalation, to cause internal pressure in Russia and damage its economy before the war even begins - all in an attempt to reduce the scale of the invasion.

Here;  Russia-Ukraine crisis could undermine entire world order (

Some of us are amazed at how many Americans have NO CLUE that anything out of the ordinary is going on.  They believe that "everything is fine! Stuff like this happens all the time and it always ends up just fine!"  This is probably because we are SO FAR removed from WWII when every able bodied American male was called into service.  The entire nation knew that it was in for the fight of it's life and every American had a family member in harms way.

We believe that this is exactly what the DAYS OF NOAH were like and Jesus told us to expect again.  We also believe that SCOFFERS are everywhere basically saying that "things are always like this!  Nothing has changed and nothing well ever change!"  2 Peter

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