
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Top DFL Strategist Wants to Punch Unvaccinated in the Face

 The love of most will grow cold.

In our previous post we pointed out the data of how unhappy folks on the Left are.  Here's more evidence.

Democratic strategist James Carville vented and came unglued on his podcast last week, cursing out the unvaccinated, calling them a “piece of sh*t” and then expressing that he wanted to punch them in the face and have immunity for doing so.

Carville was speaking with journalist Al Hunt during Thursday’s episode of “Politics War Room with James Carville & Al Hunt” when he made the offensive comments. A listener asked why they thought President Joe Biden hadn’t passed a bill that would block unvaccinated Americans from interstate travel and Carville could not hold back his anger towards the unvaccinated.

That’s when Carville decided it was time to go off on Americans who have chosen not to get the COVID vaccine. He suggested that a law should be passed giving people immunity from assaulting someone who has not been vaccinated and doesn’t have a medical reason for not getting the jab.

“I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do,” Carville viciously stated. “If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of sh*t, OK? I just want to punch you in the g**damned face. That’s the way I look at these people.”

Here;  James Carville wants to make it legal to punch ‘piece of s**t unvaccinated’ people ‘in the g**damned face’ (

Since many folks who refuse the Covid vaccine are Bible believers, one can see how the godless are going to continue to be exasperated, angry and even violent towards those who disagree with their narrative.

One can also see how a great cheer will go up from planet earth when the left-behind folks realize that the thorns in their side (Followers of Christ) have vanished in the blink of an eye.  When the rapture happens, folks might at first be scared as to what has happened to millions of people.  But when they start to ask around and CNN puts it together that mostly unvaccinated people are the ones who have vanished, a small applause will start to grow into a large applause.

And when the "aliens" show up and announce that they have taken all the folks away for "de-brainwashing" and to be vaccinated "before they rejoin us on earth to enter the Age of Aquarius", the applause will grow into a mighty cheer.

It could happen that way.

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