
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Why Are Leftist Americans So Miserable?

 We have all heard the stats that America consumes more anti-depressant pills than any other nation on earth.  Here we are, the most affluent, the most free, the most proud, the most brave but the most miserable at the same time.

And of course leading the charge on misery is folks on the Left.  And as America indoctrinates more and more of our public school students and turns them Left, it stands to reason that more of them will end up miserable and taking happy pills to get by.

We know the answer as to WHY this is without reading the article.  "The joy of the Lord is my strength."

Real simple.  People who know Christ also know they have a purpose and also know they have a promise of eternal life.  Focusing on our incredibly bright future makes it much easier to live through some bumpy spots and tribulation on this earth.  After all, we only spend 50-100 years in these failing bodies before we trade them in for eternal bodies that CAN inherit the Kingdom and spend eternity there.  What is 50 years in comparison to eternity?  

Folks on the Right are more prone to be followers of Christ so are more prone to have the joy of the Lord in their lives.

Folks on the Left are more prone to be atheists, have no purpose except to be happy, and when global warming, lack of gun control and unvaccinated people ruin their day and steal their happiness, they become even more miserable.

But let's see if this article comes up with any more insight into this.

Replacing former President Donald Trump with President Joe Biden was supposed to bring joy to the land from sea to sea. We were going to be a united people at last. Every problem known to man would get solved by cradle-to-grave government. Biden was even going to save us from the rise of the oceans.

But just the opposite: A survey by the University of Chicago found that record percentages of people in 2021 described themselves as “unhappy.”

For most of the past 50 years, about 1 in 10 people have described themselves as unhappy. In 2021, 1 in 4 say they are unhappy. Typically, almost 1 in 3 say they are “very happy,” and now less than 1 in 5 do. The happiness index is falling like a stone. People are depressed.

Gee, I wonder why the public is so glum all of a sudden.

Let me count the ways. First, there is isolation and loneliness from lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions. Then there is out-of-control crime and a significant rise in business failures (from lockdowns), both clearly associated with depression. People are still worried about their health two years into the pandemic that Biden promised to shut down. The border is out of control.

Then there is the financial stress on families from everything being more expensive. Children are depressed because schools are still doing remote learning or they are stuck wearing masks for eight hours a day. The “woke” movement has people feeling like they are tied inside a social straitjacket. Nothing is funny anymore. Don’t you dare say an off-color joke or you will be banished.

People are afraid to laugh at anything for fear of offending someone somewhere. When was the last time you saw a funny movie?

But here’s what’s most interesting about the results of the happiness survey. The people with the most significant happiness deficiencies are Democratic voters. Liberals are miserable. Only 1 in 6 Democratic voters say they are “very happy.” Almost twice as many Republicans say they are “very happy.”

Why is that? I have several admittedly unproven hypotheses. I will toss them out, and readers can decide for themselves if they agree or disagree.

First, liberals are much less religious, patriotic and interested in getting married and having children than conservatives. It’s a Grand Canyon-sized division between liberals and conservatives. I’d venture to say that the love of country, God and family make people happy.

If you don’t believe in these things, you will likely believe in false idols, such as big government, as your savior. That’s hardly a path to happiness.

Liberals are less likely to be working and more likely to be on government assistance. But every study shows that work is highly associated with happiness. Giving a person a fish rather than teaching a person to fish leads to very different life satisfaction outcomes.

Liberals also live their lives in fear. Liberals are much more likely to believe that global warming will doom us than are conservatives. To listen to some of the more fanatical climate change worriers, they seem almost to want global warming to happen so we can pay penance for our sins to the planet. Similarly, from the start of the pandemic until recently, liberals were twice as likely to be “very worried” about COVID-19 than conservatives. There is something sociologically different about how liberals view risks than conservatives.

Finally, there is the geographical separation between conservatives camped in red states and liberals camped in blue states — the two Americas. Blue states shut down their economies. They shut down restaurants, schools, parks, theaters, tennis and basketball courts, playgrounds, beaches, bars and any other place where people could, God forbid, have fun.

Amid the dark days of the pandemic, I traveled to New York, California and Florida. New York and California were zombie zones. If people saw you on the street walking toward you, they would lift their masks and swerve so as not to get anywhere near you. They would scowl or look away.

Here;  Stephen Moore: Why are liberals so miserable? (

Turns out this dude agrees with us.  People who love God, love their country and love their children are going to be more satisfied than people who believe Government needs to be their savior from all the hardships on planet earth.

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