
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Belarus Warns We Are Heading for WWIII

 Some pretty serious chatter about WWII going on out there.  Belarus would definitely fall into the Russian camp if the war starts to widen, but check out the comments about nuclear war that the President of Belarus just said.

At a referendum on changing Belarus’s constitution on Sunday, President Alexander Lukashenko warned that the conflict in Ukraine was bringing World War III closer.

“In a situation like this, we should be aware that there are such sanctions. A great deal is being said about the banking sector. Gas, oil, SWIFT,” Lukashenko said. “Russia is being pushed towards a third world war. We should be very reserved and steer clear of it. Because nuclear war is the end of everything.”

“Today we must stop the war,” Lukashenko stated. “I would not even call it ‘war’ right now: It is still a conflict. Another day or two and there will be a war. In three days – a meat grinder.”

Lukashenko claimed that Russia had nothing to gain from the war and the “only beneficiary” was the US with the goal of “putting Europe in its place and removing competitors.”

“Russia does not need this. They have ammunition, cartridges, machine guns, and enough people to solve the problems that Russia wants to solve,” he said. 

He went on to claim that Belarusian and Russian people in Ukraine were being beaten and poisoned. 

Here;  Country bordering Russia, Ukraine warns of World War 3 (

Yes, Russia will turn Ukraine into a meat grinder.  Putin is not just going to walk out of Ukraine with his tail between his legs because of sanctions.

So how does the world stop a bully with nuclear weapons who is already threatening to use them if anyone gets in his way?

Great question with no good answer.

The Bible is clear that the world WILL NOT END in nuclear Armageddon.  But Jesus is very clear that if he didn't return to stop the progression of wars in the very Last Days that NO FLESH WOULD SURVIVE.

It would appear that earth is heading for those days and just maybe this is the last push that's taking us there?  We don't know but we do know that Jesus will be faithful and keep His bride away from those days.  So we rest in that promise.

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