
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Macron Speaks Soothing Words About Jerusalem

 This is interesting to watch because Macron is the Vegas Odds favorite for becoming the Antichrist following the rapture of the church.  TheAntichrist will sign a peace agreement with Israel and assure their  defense against nations who hate her.  He also will allow the Jewish Temple to be built during this time.  His words today pave the way for that to become a reality.  We won’t see this because we will be gone.  But we can see all the preparations being made.


French President Emmanuel Macron came out last week against the description of Israel as an apartheid state recently by human rights groups like Amnesty International.

Macron was supposed to deliver a speech at the annual dinner of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) but had cancel to an important meeting. Instead, Prime Minister Jean Castex was asked to deliver his speech instead and he read the president's speech.

“Like you, I am concerned about the United Nations resolution on Jerusalem which continues to deliberately and against all evidence remove Jewish terminology from the Temple Mount. You know my attachment to Jerusalem, where I went several times as President or before becoming one. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, I have never stopped saying that. This in no way precludes recognizing and respecting the attachment of other religions to this city, and it is in this spirit that I myself walked through the Old City in 2020 and visited each of the Holy Places."

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