
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

If Nuke Hits America Remember to Mask and Social Distance in Bomb Shelter

The government website was last updated February 25 so it’s unclear exactly when this info was added.  But the Biden admin wants to prep you for nuclear war by making sure you remember your paper mask if you are running to a bomb shelter.  While in the shelter you should try and keep 6 feet away from strangers.  Also remember that while you are in the bomb shelter pondering the end of the world, the Covids can still sneak up on you and kill you and your entire family, and that’s no way to start Armageddon!


“Go to the basement or middle of the building. Stay away from the outer walls and roof. Try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. If possible, wear a mask if you’re sheltering with people who are not a part of your household,” the website states. “Children under two years old, people who have trouble breathing, and those who are unable to remove masks on their own should not wear them.”

The website explains that nuclear fallout is most dangerous within the first several hours after detonation “when it is giving off the highest levels of radiation,” which is why Americans should stay inside for at least 24 hours while continuing to wear a mask and “practice social distancing.”

“Hand sanitizer does not protect against fall out,” the website warns.

“Stay inside for 24 hours unless local authorities provide other instructions. Continue to practice social distancing by wearing a mask and by keeping a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household,” the website continues.

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