
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in USA Surged to 30 Year High

 Here is some more evidence that shows America is plunging into decadence.  Also please note that LGBT people and minorities are leading the way on STD's.  But be careful in noting it because you could be labeled as racist or homophobic.

Official statistics showed there were 678,000 gonorrhea cases detected in 2020, the most since 1990

There were also a total of 144,000 cases of syphilis spotted in the country, which was the highest for 30 years

Total cases of sexually transmitted diseases fell in 2020 compared to the previous year, dropping six per cent

But CDC officials said this was likely down to a reduction in testing due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Gay men and people in black and American Indian groups had the highest rates of STDs in the country

Mississippi had the highest rates out of all 50 states in the US, followed by Louisiana 

Of the 33,000 participants, it found gay men were most likely to have an STD overall followed by straight men and women. It did not consider other sexualities.

Here;  US cases of the STDs gonorrhea and syphilis surged to a 30-year high in 2020 | Daily Mail Online

We have lots of questions after reading this?  How can they really know what a gay man or black man actually is?  If the Supreme Court Justice can't answer what a woman can the CDC know what a man is?  Very confusing.  I'm glad the CDC said they didn't consider other sexualities except men and women...probably because they actually know in their science-brains that there are only men and women.

And yes, gay men do receive in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.  

Do you know how many STD's are passed from one husband having sex with his one wife...even if they have intercourse every single day of their marriage??  0%

God's plan is best but there will be consequences when a nation forgets God.

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