
Thursday, April 14, 2022

US Inflation Rate Highest in 40 Years

 We all know it.  Prices on everything are skyrocketing.  I just looked into renting a Chevy Suburban in Montana the last week of August and was quoted a price of $5400.  Supply chain issues are one source being blamed as supplies aren't meeting demands.  Of course rising prices for gasoline and diesel are another reason since virtually everything we eat, wear and use is delivered via trucks that burn diesel.

So where does it end?  No one really knows.  But we do know that printing/creating trillions of dollars out of thin air these last few years is also adding to this problem.  It has to!

The Biden White House can only come up with one reason....Putin did it!!

The U.S. inflation rate jumped to 8.5 percent in March, a level not seen in 40 years, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Tuesday. The White House said Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame for the shocking statistics.

The cost of living for Americans continued to climb last month. Inflation rose 1.2 percent in March, the highest monthly gain since 2005.

Among the highest increases was gasoline, which shot up another 18.3 percent, making up more than half of the cost-of-living increase last month. The cost of rent also increased 0.4 percent in March.

Over the past year, groceries rose 10 percent, energy jumped 32 percent, electricity increased to 11.1 percent and oil reached a staggering 70.1 percent.

The cost of airline fares, household furnishings and operations, medical care, and motor vehicle insurance also increased in March.

During a press briefing on Monday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki again blamed Putin for the rising inflation rate.

“We expect March CPI headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to Putin’s price hike,” Psaki said. “We expect a large difference between core and headline inflation reflecting the global disruptions in energy and food markets.”

“The White House is now expecting shocking inflation numbers. Here’s the list of the Biden admin’s ever-shifting denial of reality about inflation: It’s not happening. It’s transitory. It’s a high class problem. It’s a good thing. It’s Putin’s fault,” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted. “It’s #Bidenflation.”

Here;  US inflation rate hits 8.5%, a 40-year high; White House blames Putin | American Military News

Of course the real danger is hyper-inflation.  That happens when Americans suddenly realize that they should rush out and buy everything that they can because it's all going to cost 50% more next year and the bank is paying them 0% to hold their money.  If everyone tries to buy everything at the same time prices go up...which causes even more Americans to buy everything...which causes prices to go up.  It ends up making a spiral which is near impossible to stop.

That's when the government would have to step in and say, "Dollars are no longer good for purchasing anything effective December 1.  The new currency we will use starting December 1 will be called Digital Treasuries.  These will only be available in digital form accessible from your bank card.  The banks will be transferring the value of you dollars into Digital Treasuries in the coming months and will be reflected on your bank statement."

You think this can't/won't happen in America?  Guess again.  The Bible says it is coming.  We just hope and pray that followers of Christ aren't around to see it all unfold.

We continue to focus on Jesus' words that people will be marrying, giving in marriage, eating, drinking, planting, building and things will be pretty much "normal" up until the day the trumpet blows.

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